What's this?

I must admit that I'm a Facebook addict, my day starts with a cup of coffee and facebooking. I enjoy reading my friends' thoughts and status, looking at their photos, watching their videos, browsing their shared links and everything seen in my news feed. your day. I appreciate good and inspiring photos, love to watch movies at home and enjoy good music. Facebook kinda updates me what's happening around the world because of the demographics of my friends. I have kids, teenagers, oldies like me all around the world. Kids fascinate me because of their types of music, some oldies bring me closer to country music because I used to love pop music more. Anyway, this blog will show photos that inspire, interest or make me laugh. Movies that destress me, interesting topics and worth watching. Songs that move me, physically and emotionally/spiritually. I want to share them with you and hoping that you can relate with what I feel for that photo, movie or song.

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